As the wellbeing of our staff and clients is our main priority we have a few things in place to continue with this, Please read the following prior to booking and entering our salon.
Firstly if anyone is unwell or showing any symptoms (no matter the severity) we ask that you please reschedule your appointment. In failure to do this we can’t guarantee your appointment will go ahead upon arrival, unless we receive medical clearance.
Upon Arrival we ask that everyone entering our premises uses the provided hand sanitiser before proceeding any further. We also ask for everyone to wear a mask, we have them provided at the front door inside if you do not have one yourself. We will also be doing temperature checks.
We have applied social distancing guidelines where we can, which includes all stations being 1.5mtrs apart as well as all waiting chairs. There is a screen up in-between basins to separate the two. We have signs and stickers around the premises to make sure everyone is abiding by this.
During this time we are asking for no plus-ones, which means please come into your appointment alone. If your child or someone has an appointment booked at the same time they are obviously more than welcome to come in at the same time.
Please be assured that our staff are very on top of cleaning and disinfecting. After every client the stations and basin areas are wiped down with a medical grade disinfectant and all wraps and towels are of single use. Frequently touched surfaces are wiped down numerous of times throughout the day (this includes door handles, waiting area etc.) All things that can be single use have been implemented (e.g. Disposable cups, wraps, towels,).
During this time we do not have magazines in the salon, so please feel free to bring your own reading material.
We thank you for your cooperation and support during this time, it does not go unnoticed!